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Educators overwhelmed by the stresses brought on, professionally and personally, from Covid-19 need relevant professional learning that doesn’t make them sorry they showed up.


Regional Educator Network (REN)


The design for this challenge needed to prioritize meaningful collaboration with a self-paced option.

Here's what we came up with:

  • Educators can earn up to 25 clock hours with a combination of live (synchronous) and asynchronous online learning.

  • Participants gather for presentations around monthly themes tied to other statewide initiatives, delivered by fellow educators and teacher leaders, and share ideas both statewide and in their local region.

  • They make connections with other educators, learn how to support students and each other regardless of their role or position, and most importantly, apply their learning to their work.

  • During each live REN meeting, participants can choose which session to attend from a menu of options based upon that month’s theme. Choosing their own sessions keeps the content relevant and gives the participants choice and voice.

  • Each session is recorded and then shared in the virtual Educator Hub, so participation is not time-bound–participants can access and learn any time that works for them.

What participants are saying!

“Thank you for this! It is a lot but it is really helpful and informative. I am an introvert at heart so I do enjoy this type of professional development and that I can go at my pace. I also get some digital social interaction with teachers outside of my district.”

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