Due to Covid-19, 100% of schools in Washington went entirely virtual in March 2020. Educators across the state urgently needed comprehensive training on technology and remote teaching best practices.
LMS Solutions
Through the Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD), Washington's nine Educational Service Districts launched LMS Solutions in response to the shift to virtual teaching due to Covid-19. This comprehensive suite of professional learning opportunities focused on the effective use of technology.
Selecting a Learning Management System (LMS)
This recorded series, intended for administrators and district leaders, provides an overview of each LMS system’s basic components to help districts better choose their LMS
LMS 101 Series
This 3-part series covered the "nuts-and-bolts" of 5 different LMS's and allowed participants to gain an understanding of how to use their selected LMS
Best Practices for Continuous Learning
A menu of on-demand, self-paced, courses grounded in equity, allowing participants to build a community of support by collaborating virtually with other educators across the state
Regional Educator Network (REN)
Statewide effort to provide peer-to-peer mentorship and support, build capacity across the state, and provide access to a community of learners for all educators
The Future Focused Educators’ Summit
4-Day virtual conference designed for 5,000 educators to participate in Leadership/Educator pathways with over 50 different presenters, and developed with 10 different partners
LMS Solutions recap
Regional Educator Network recap