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Covid-19 caused the immediate shift to 100% virtual teaching. Districts needed to understand the social-emotional effect virtual teaching was having on their students, teachers, and parents.


Barometer Report

Developed a 9-part, anonymous, survey to see current attitudes, trends, and experiences concerning distance and hybrid learning. Accompanied by an automated report that disaggregated the data and visualized it using Google Data Studio and Microsoft’s PowerBI. Using this data, coordinators and I would make recommendations to districts on how they could best support their teachers, students, and families during the global pandemic.

  • Agile Response Rate

    • The Barometer Report was created and available for districts to utilize within 1-month of the shift to virtual teaching brought on by the Pandemic

  • Used by +60 Districts

    • Providing high-quality data that district and school leaders could use to make important decisions concerning the well being of their stakeholders

  • Rooted in Equity and Accessibility

    • The Barometer Report (Survey and Analysis Report) were available in multiple languages and 100% ADA compliant allowing all student/parent perspectives to be heard

  • Automated and Innovative

    • The process of data aggregation and presentation was completely automated, allowing for live updates and a unique analysis of open-ended responses

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